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In the late 2nd century BC Chersonesus became a dependency of the Bosporan Kingdom.It was subject to Rome from the middle of the 1st century BC until the 370s AD, when it was captured by the Huns.

Rulers Index Tj-Tz Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, Alidius Warmoldus Lambertus (b. March 7, 1888, Groningen, Netherlands – d. Aug. 16, 1978, Wassenaar, Netherlands), queen’s commissioner of Groningen (1925-33) and governor-general of the Netherlands East Indies (1936-45).

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Anthem: “Shche ne vmerly Ukrainy ni slava ni volya” “The glory and the will of Ukraine has not yet died” (also – “Ukraine has not yet perished)”

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Euromajdan [nb 1] (ukrainska: Євромайдан) var en politisk protest som inleddes 21 november 2013 med ett upplopp som pågick främst på Självständighetstorget och vid flera regeringsbyggnader i Ukrainas huvudstad Kiev, men också i flera andra ukrainska städer.

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The Holocaust was the systematic extermination and ethnic cleansing of six million European Jews and millions of others non-aryans. It was implemented and executed under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, who ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945.

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Rulers Index Sm-Ss Smailov, Yerlan (Baykenovich) (b. Jan. 27, 1951), head of Dzhezkazgan oblast (1996-97). Smallenbroek, Jan (b. Feb. 21, 1909, Assen, Netherlands – d. Sept. 29, 1974, Wassenaar, Netherlands), interior minister of …

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